Design Systems or Systems of Harm?

Max Stepanov
7 min readNov 30, 2023

Design systems have revolutionized UX and product design, however, they can inadvertently perpetuate systemic harm if not inclusively designed.

🟢 The Dual Nature of Design Systems

Design systems, with their focus on consistency and efficiency, have revolutionized UX and product design. However, they can inadvertently perpetuate systemic harm if not inclusively designed. While beneficial in streamlining processes, the quest for uniformity should not override the need for accessibility and inclusivity. A design system that excludes or marginalizes certain users due to its rigid conformity can end up reinforcing existing societal biases.

🟢 Principles of Inclusive Design Systems

Inclusive design principles are guidelines that help designers create products and experiences accessible to, and usable by, as broad audience as possible, regardless of age, gender, abilities, or cultural background. This approach enhances user experience and satisfaction, expands the potential market for a product, and promotes social inclusivity. I propose to divide those principles into the major groups:

1. Team’s Diversity. Inclusivity begins with the creators. A diverse team brings a plethora of perspectives, essential for creating systems that cater to…



Max Stepanov

Design Lead| MBA| Ph.D.| Human-Computer Interaction specialist| Experience in Product Development and Digital Communications🦄